Something New!

Teaching #HISPinParis is really engaging as a teacher in large part because I get to introduce students to new places, some of which they probably wouldn’t see otherwise. That said, it’s pretty rare that I get to see something completely new to *me*. I lived in Paris for the first 15 years of my life … Read moreSomething New!

Mexican Food in France: does it exist?

I am currently two weeks into teaching HISP 470: preservation abroad in Paris. My students have been writing wonderful posts about their experiences, focusing on topics like the rehab of Notre Dame, the variety of churches in the city, dealing with trash and recycling, etc. This post is nothing so serious, though it does discuss … Read moreMexican Food in France: does it exist?


I chose the apartment I’m renting this summer for all sorts of practical reasons:- it’s close to the students’ dorm.  – it’s close to my mother’s place.  – it’s on multiple metro lines.  – shops and other amenities are accessible.  – it is within budget. (<= super extra important) But if I’m completely honest, I … Read moreReasons