It’s all fun and games (until you build a city)

Another generated map. It's called "Empits Port"

I posted semi-recently about the convergence of my nerdery and work interests with the Urban Design Alignment Chart. That was a fun little project, but last fall I joined those two interests more seamlessly. So seamlessly, in fact, that I didn’t even think twice about it until just now. Last semester, I taught HISP471VV: Urban … Read moreIt’s all fun and games (until you build a city)

The spookiest – and workiest – month

October is the spookiest month of the year. It’s also, for senior HISP students and yours truly, a very challenging and busy month. Every fall, I teach HISP405, arguably the most difficult course in the historic preservation department. The course has lots of challenging assignments, starting with surveying historic sites, and finishing with a National … Read moreThe spookiest – and workiest – month

Movie Review: Urbanized

So I finally watched Urbanized. I often mock people who haven’t seen movies I think are seminal, so this was partially a self-protective move on my part. I’m pretty sure this documentary is the most famous planning documentary out there. I have to say I came away a tiny bit disappointed. Not that the movie … Read moreMovie Review: Urbanized

If only going to the gym was as enjoyable…

Last week I went to the DoOO showcase to (appropriately enough) show off my stuff. While I did that – showing my site, tumblr, and architectural image library – I got much more than just an ego boost out of the proceedings. Others presented too. Stephen Farnsworth made a compelling case for “working more efficiently, … Read moreIf only going to the gym was as enjoyable…