How I learned to hate grading less & how you can, too.

Last post, I gave app reviews and tips for taking attendance. Next up: grading. I won’t give you the full “why go paperless” spiel. You’re a believer or you’re not. Some people just grade better on paper. I can tell you, though, that I honestly think I do a better job of grading now. Most … Read moreHow I learned to hate grading less & how you can, too.

…and now Deep Thoughts, by Andi Smith

I’ve spent much of this blog so far focusing on technical decisions. In this post, I want to delve more deeply in my more philosophical/theoretical decisions. These decisions in practical terms end up being entwined with technology, but it has been my goal to be conscious of the implications of decisions as I have made … Read more…and now Deep Thoughts, by Andi Smith