My mom has instilled in me the need to sit down before every trip to make a wish. We’ve been doing it since my earliest memories, and I’ve started doing the same with my kid. This is coming to mind because today is move-in day at UMW and the academic year is about to start. Talk about a trip.
So, I will be making a wish, which of course will have to stay private to come true. But I figured I could use this blog to state some no-less wishful aspirations. I’ll come back to them periodically over the year, and if I’m very good – or very lucky – most of them will come true. Here goes.
- Use LEGO well. I’ve already started integrating the LEGO setup over the summer, but this fall, the real test begins. I’m hoping these will allow students to better visualize 3D design, and be engaging as well. I’m also working on an FSEM proposal focusing on LEGO and their multitudinous uses in education, architecture, engineering, etc.
- Take advantage of travel/events to (1) learn something and (2) enjoy myself. (Ya know, all that work/life balance that’s so elusive) Again, I do that already, but it doesn’t hurt to keep trying.
- Not get bowled over by meetings and emails. I’ve worked hard to set up good to-do and file storage systems. Now let’s just hope they hold during the onslaught that is sure to happen.
- Continue to have class topics inspire and inform my research. This, I’m pretty sure I can accomplish, so for more of a challenge: may I FINISH and SUBMIT work based on all this cross-pollination.
- Continue to learn WordPress in all its subtleties and capabilities, and apply them to my needs. In particular, I need a better handle on CSS and plugins.
- And, finally, blog regularly. I can’t promise every post will be meaningful, but I will try.
Have a good year, everyone!