My daughter has been sick the past couple of days. I will spare you the details. This is not a gross-out blog. I just want to note how incredible technology is at times like these.
With just my phone, I was able to entertain my kid at the doctors office (duck duck moose apps are pretty much all wonderful). Then I was able to call daycare to tell them she wouldn’t be in tomorrow and listen to wamu on Internet radio (tunein radio. Another great app) all without touching my phone. (Thanks, gogroove! That thing is great for those of us who drive old econoboxes and don’t want to invest in a new head unit.)
Now I’m in the pharmacy waiting for her prescriptions. I just emailed potential babysitters, followed up regarding a press release, and now writing this blog entry. In a minute, I’m going to pull up a student’s PDF paper and send feedback. All probably before the prescription is ready. [note: I did, in fact, read the PDF and send feedback. I wanted to procrastinate on feedly but resisted. Yay, willpower!]
I’m going to loose productivity because of this – I already have – but with my phone alone, I’m getting quite a bit done. I’ll be able to spend more time with my kid tomorrow without fretting that I’m letting something important go.
So thanks, ubiquitous technology! You get a bad rap sometimes. But you make life sooooo much easier.
[note: I’m completing and posting this entry on my couch with my ipad while my kid watches Sesame Street. You’ll be glad to know that she’s feeling better. Although that does mean she’s also back to her rambunctious self. Not sure how much work will get done today. We will see.]