Late to the Party

I’ve started a podcast and I’m really excited about it. It’s called Verdigris, and I’m cohosting it with my bestie, Rae Henry

Yes, we have matching clothes. Usually, we try not to dress alike but on Halloween, all bets are off.

I started blogging about a decade after everyone else so it makes sense that I’m also trying my hand at podcasting a bit late. My blog has been sadly neglected for a long time. I could blame Covid, or parenthood, or something, but really I just get distracted. Honestly, I need a deadline, and someone to keep me on task. Otherwise, the never-ending supply of papers to grade, classes to prep, meetings to attend, etc. will guarantee I don’t get anything else done. Luckily for me, I’ve got Rae. No pressure, Rae.

She and I work together and we’re neighbors, too, so we spend lots of time together. That includes a daily walk around campus. And we can only complain about day-to-day life for so long before we start talking shop. Those conversations are often the highlight of my day, so eventually we decided to start a podcast. And then we procrastinated. But then my friend Gwenaëlle took the time to motivate me, ask a bunch of useful questions, and generally stray on my case until I did something about it. (Merci, Gwenaëlle!!)

Anyway, all this to say that I’m really excited about this podcast. For now, we are going to aim for an episode a month for the next year. If people listen to it, we will keep going. Please give the podcast a listen if you’re interested. Again, it’s