Art de la rue

The #HISPinParis19 students took lots of neat pics while we were in Paris, and after a month and a half back in the US, I’ve finally found a few minutes to look through my own. Among the 10,000 shots of my kids – yes, I’m that mom – I did manage to take a few pics of buildings and stuff. Lots of gravestones, which are now coming handy in HISP 471GG, and some shots of Brussels and Strasbourg, which I should probably blog about next.

The one big theme other than those subjects, though, is street art. I adore street art, and Paris has some really fantastic examples all around the city. Paris actively supports street art and has done so for a while now. What can be considered graffiti in other places is regarded as art among the French. Anyway, here are a few examples that caught my eye while I was there this summer:

Public art mural. Reads "this is not graffiti"

Invader is a mainstay in Paris. There are lots of knockoffs throughout the city, or maybe just “inspired fans” is a better term. His own art is anything but static, and he has a great sense of humor.

Examples of Invader's mosaics

For instance, this mosaic on the façade of the Pitié-Salpêtriere. It’s a hospital, so… Yeah. Dr. House, complete with cane.

Paris has also just instituted a major mural project. Some of the artists are well-known international figures, such as Shepard Fairey, whose work is instantly recognizable.

That’s Fairey’s work on the right. He’s the same guy who made the Obama “Hope” posters. (And also, Andre the Giant Has a Posse art campaign, which is a masterpiece.)

Others, I don’t recognize. But man do I like their work.

There’s also lots of small scale stuff throughout the city.

Don’t know if the Michael Jackson/Daft Punk and Prince/David Bowie pieces are related, but I think they are both really neat.

I’ll end with my fave random street art piece from this time around. I went on a walk in the mostly residential 13th arrondissement rather than go to the Louvre. Saw this social commentary by way of Donkey Kong and fell in love.