October is the spookiest month of the year. It’s also, for senior HISP students and yours truly, a very challenging and busy month. Every fall, I teach HISP405, arguably the most difficult course in the historic preservation department. The course has lots of challenging assignments, starting with surveying historic sites, and finishing with a National Register nomination. But it’s the middle part that’s the real doozy. This is where students go from data on approximately 300 historic properties to a full report of what’s there, what it means, and what should be done with it (complete with photos, maps, charts, tables, glossary… You get the picture).
I’ve been warning my students from day one that they better not have big plans for October. Truth is, I’m in exactly the same boat. Except I have to do it every year. All this to say that:
1- you should string a tiny violin for me as I have to organize and grade this mammoth project. Or at least offer the 405-ers coffee and sympathy of you run into them.
2- don’t expect any blogging from me this month.
3- if you’re reading this and you’re in 405, get back to work!