HISP 405: Advanced Methods in Historic Preservation

Course Outline

Historic Preservation 405, Advanced Methods in Historic Preservation, is a survey and research-based study of preservation, emphasizing the identification and analysis of cultural resources in their unique geographical, historical, and socio-economic contexts. The course will be divided into three sections: surveying, creating a survey report, and the National Register. This course is designated both as a Department of Historic Preservation Capstone course and as a Writing Intensive course. The course involves: identifying and qualitatively evaluating cultural resources, utilizing and analyzing survey materials, and exploring preservation theories and methods.

Course Objectives

• Acquire working familiarity with cultural resource surveys and the National Register.
• Provide practical experience in researching and writing for historic preservation purposes, as well as verbally presenting information to a variety of audiences.
• Foster students’ curiosity regarding current issues and challenges affecting preservation and historic resources.

Student Learning Outcomes

• Students will engage in several writings assignments and be able to write in the proper format for the National Register.
• Students will be able to collect and analyze cultural resource survey entries.
• Students will be able to assemble professional-level reports with the use of specialized software.
• Students will be able to explore and explain different, divergent, and contradictory perspectives and priorities in historic preservation.

Student Learning Outcomes (WI)

• Ideas: Students will demonstrate satisfactory knowledge of the varying strategies to convey arguments, main ideas and support/evidence.
• Organization: Students will demonstrate satisfactory knowledge of the varying patterns of composition organization and development.
• Rhetorical Situation: Students will demonstrate satisfactory knowledge of the audience, the role of the writer, and rhetorical strategies.
• Editing: Students will demonstrate satisfactory knowledge of writing conventions and correctness.