Planning/architecture/preservation related movies: Hello, everyone. If you’re reading this it’s because you’re desperately bored. Well, let me help to the best of my abilities. Here are ideas/links/arts/whatevers that I’ve collected or been sent from around the internets. I’ll keep adding stuff as I go. Enjoy & stay safe! Videos I made with my kids (I … Read more“FUN” STUFF FOR QUARANTIME

A few thoughts on a few museums

I used to be a museum professional. It’s funny, because I’m not the “museum person” in my department and since it’s not my field of research, most students have no idea I used to work in museums for a living. While I’m retired from being a museum professional, I’m still very much a museum aficionado. … Read moreA few thoughts on a few museums

What I did on my summer vacation (Part 2)

The title of this post is a bit of a misnomer, ’cause this wasn’t a vacation at all, really, or at least the destination wasn’t. I had a meeting and conference in Natchitoches, LA to attend. In midsummer. Yeah, think about that for a second. But I’m all for making lemonade out of lemons. Or … Read moreWhat I did on my summer vacation (Part 2)